Tuesday, July 7, 2009

May 23, 2009: Stone IPA

Warning: Consuming Stone IPA may result in toxic hop syndrome. Drink at your own risk!

If you count yourself as one of the many in the long and growing list of beer fans who crave a beer fully of hoppy flavor, then Stone IPA is the beer for you. The Stone Brewing Company has developed a no nonsense reputation when it comes to brewing. They skip the fruity twists and clever gimmicks, allowing their range of beers to stand on the strength of their own merits. Stone IPA is their flagship beer, and it is easy to see why once you taste it. Let me preface my comments by stating that I am a big fan of India Pale Ales. Few other styles of beer are as polarizing as IPA's, and it's really the kind of beer that you either love or hate. If you're a sick bastard like me and are into beers that are so bitter than they make your face pucker involuntarily, then you're going to love Stone IPA. The aroma of Stone IPA is enough to knock you off you're feet with strong scents of citrus, grapefruit and orange peel that tempt the tastebuds. Once you taste Stone IPA, you'll understand what I mean when I say that these guys don't mess around with the hops. Clearly the brewers at Stone understand and respect the tradition of brewing India Pale Ales, and have created a brew in Stone IPA that encompasses all of the attributes that make up a quality IPA. If you're not faint of heart and think you have the stones to tackle beer like Stone IPA, be sure to try a pint next time you are in Southern California.



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