When it comes to white ales, I don't think white. I think blue. Blue as in Blue Moon Belgian White Ale. White ales haven't exactly caught fire here in the states, but Belgian style ales are definitely on the rise within the last decade. There used to be a time when a lot of people thought Blue Moon was some sort of secret. They would say "Hey man, you gotta try this brand new beer that I found called Blue Moon", thinking that they were actually the ones that discovered this white ale sitting on a dusty shelf at their local liquor store. The funny thing is that while Blue Moon is marketed as an authentic Belgian white ale, it was first brewed here in the states as Bellyside White Ale. Yes, I'm sorry to break the news to some of you out there who felt classy and European drinking a beer that was developed and brewed by American giants Coors. Still, Blue Moon is in my opinion an extremely tasty beer. It pours a very pale, strawish yellow with a foamy white head, and has a very sweet and malty flavor. While putting an a sliced lemon into your beer is par for the course with a hefeweizen, orange slices are the citrus fruit of choice for this brew (however, if you ask me, putting fruit in your beer is for sissies who aren't able to simply enjoy a beer for what it is and feel the need to enhance it somehow to make it less bitter....but I digress). Even though I have to pay import prices for Blue Moon when I order it at a ball game, it's worth the extra two or three bucks for a tasty beer that hits the spot nearly every time. You can Blue Moon just about anywhere nowadays, so crack one open and try it for yourself.
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