Ok, so I have a confession.... I was way more focused on the Lakers game tonight than I was on drinking a beer. I invited some buddies to come over and watch the game, but by the time tip off came, I realize that I didn't have a new beer in the fridge. It's a stupid mistake, I know, but sometimes I get so focused on sports that other things in my life get pushed to the side. Luckily my friends came to the rescue by bringing over a case of Miller Lite. Normally I wouldn't choose to drink a Miller Lite, but desperate times, desperate measures.... you get the idea. Miller Lite is on the short list of beer that are in my opinion almost undrinkable. I scoured my mind to try to think of a beer that I enjoy less than Miller Lite, and the only one that came to mind was Coors Lights. It's not that Miller Lite tastes dicgusting, it's just that Miller Lite doesn't really taste like anything at all. It's like drinking a can of carbonated water with a little malth thrown in. Miller Lite is the epitome of a macrobrew that sacrifices taste and quality in favor of mass production. Take my advice, and only reach for Miller Lite if you're in a huge bind. There are plenty of other light beers out there that have a lot more to offer than Miller Lite does.
P.S. Go Lakers!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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