If there is one thing I hate in this world, it's a bad beer. I just have no patience for a beer that is so far below my standards that it's almost undrinkable. Tonight's post is going to be pretty short and sweet because I only have negative things to say about Riggwelter Black Sheep ale. It's no secret that I prefer my ales to be nice and dark, but Riggwelter Black Sheep got it all wrong. This ale tasted like I was drinking iced black coffee. When it's done right, bitterness is an asset to a dark ale but Riggwelter was offensively bitter. This one was definitely near the bottom of the list of beer that I've had so far during the 365brews project. Why should I waste my time writing about a beer that I didn't like, and would never recommend to a friend? You can find this one at a shop like Bevmo!, but I wouldn't if I were you.
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