Tonight's beer hails from a brewery in one of my favorite cities San Diego, which contrary to popular belief is not German for "whale's vagina" (Just in case you somehow didn't get that reference, watch Will Ferrell's Anchorman, then you'll get it). For almost my entire life, I've lived just about halfway between the metropolises of Los Angeles and San Diego, but I've always prefered San Diego over Los Angeles. There's definitely an intangible quality about San Diego that makes it a very inviting city, and it's no surprise to see more a more breweries popping up in the area. Ballast Point is an area near the mouth of the San Diego bay, and has been the setting for some of the city of San Diego and the state of California's most historically important events. The beer of the day is Ballast Point Calico Amber Ale, and it's got some distinct characteristics. I was impressed by the sizable and enduring head on my Ballast Point Calico Amber Ale, which I found to be particularly creamy and refreshing. This beer is a thick, strong beer with a bite of American hops that reminds me alot of an IPA in many ways. I'm absolutely smitten with the gorgeous radiant copper color of Ballast Point Calico Amber Ale, but for me the taste doesn't quite match up. This isn't a bad beer, just not one that presents anything to really rave about. I wish I had more intriguing and positive things to say about this beer, but the simple truth is that I wasn't thoroughly impressed by this one. I'd order one of these again on the off chance that I was able to find it at a bar or restaurant on tap, but I won't be holding my breath.
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