Tonight, Fat Tire Ale became my beer for the evening completely by accident. I left my apartment early in the evening with a can of Foster's in hand, fully intending to consume the ridiculously large volume of lager at some point in the night. My girlfriend was too tired to go out, so I hit the streets on my own and met up with some friends. We tossed a stuffed football around for a good thirty minutes or so in my friends living room, and the big can of Foster's sat there, staring at me from the corner of the room. After trying to decide where to do our drining for almost an hour, the can of Foster's still sat there, warming with every second of indecision that ticked away. Eventually we ended up going to some sports bar in the next town over and I gave up on the Foster's for the evening. I don't really expect anything but the standard fare of Budweiser of Coors when I end up at a sports bar, but I was pleasantly surprised to find Fat Tire on tap.
As suddenly as we had ended up at this sports bar, I'd inadvertently upgraded from a beer that I'm fairly indifferent about to a beer that I truly enjoy. Fat Tire is the kid of beer that you never really get sick of. It's got that reddish amber color that almost always means for me it's going to be a great beer. But this is not your stadard amber ale. Fat Tire definitely has a unique quality about it's taste that I haven't ever really found in a comparable amber ale. Fat Tire has come a long way in a short period of time, and the word about this quality ale is spreading. It's not that uncommon to find Fat Tire on tap at many finer establishments in Southern California these days, and if you get a chance to sample this brew, be sure to give this ale a chance!
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